Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lysistrata Re-visited.

It all started with Aristophanes in 411 BC, when his play, Lysistrata was first performed. This influential woman of Greece came up with a novel idea of persuading the men of Greece to end their love of war. She persuaded all of the wives and lovers of the nation's warmongering males to ban sexual relations until the warmongering stopped.

Then it was the womenfolk of Kenya who went on what they called a 'Nookie Strike' in 2009. The problem here was that President Kibaki and Prime Minister Odinga were in constant disagreement - like Blair and Brown used to be. Labour's women missed a trick. It seems that the problems in Kenya were sorted in a few days.

Anyway, now its the Belgians. I must admit this has come as a surprise to me. Greeks and Romans, Italians and French, Brazilians, Kenyans - all carry a certain credibility (in the nicest possible way). But surely not Belgians, and for a reason about which the ladies of Belgium will not give a damn. Its seems that the problem involves an inability of the politicians to form a Government. Perhaps the ladies of Wales will act to encourage interest in the law making powers for the National Assembly referendum. That could put a bit of a spark into the campaigning. Where will it all end?

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